Pasture Mat

Pasture Mat & Comfort Pad 1.5"

Pasture Mat

The Inside Story

Research has shown that in an outdoor pasture, healthy cows spend around 15 hours each day lying down. The same cows, when confined to a barn spend only 8 to 10 hours a day in a prone position. The graph below shows the ideal day for a cow according to studies. With the addition of Promat products and the the correct free stall dimensions we are able to achieve results closer to cows in Pasture

Pasture Mat

Easy installation for new or existing barns!!!

Pasture Mat

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The surfaces the animals lay on obviously make the difference. Pasture is natural, resilient and comfortable while the barn floor is hard and unforgiving.

Installation of the Pasture Mat & Comfort Pad System provides the ideal indoor surface for your cows' comfort - as close to natural turf as you can get. Pasture Mat reliably absorbs the shock repeated impacts and eliminates the risk of injury to-even the heaviest cow. Side-by-side tests with all other types of cow mats prove conclusively that cows prefer Pasture Mat

Pasture Mat

Unlike competitive mats, Pasture Mat also takes into account one vital and relatively unknown aspect of cow physiology. In the process of lying down the animal actually free falls the last 10 to 12 inches. As you can image, the impact of 1,400+ pounds of bodyweight hitting a concrete floor is considerable. The fact is, sooner or later she's going to end up with festering sores for that constant abrasion.Pasture Mat is shock absorbent, thereby eliminating the risk of injury.

Pasture Mat

  • Pasture Mat is a multi-celled mattress filled with uniformly sized rubber crumbs.
  • The mat is protected by a tough, cow friendly top cover.
  • It will not tear, stretch, deform or lose its shape.
  • Non-organic Pasture Mat System does not support the production of bacteria.
Pasture Mat
Pasture Mat's blend of components, crumb, size, degree of compaction and methods of assembly are the result of long, careful hours of observation and on-farm testing throughout the World in 52 countries.
Pasture Mat
The quality and durability built into Pasture Mat guarantees superior performance.

Pasture Mat makes all other cows mats obsolete!

Pasture Mat is installed quickly and easily - right on top of the existing concrete base. Saving you time and money. You don't throw away investment you've already made into your stalls.

The "lifetime turf" nature of the Pasture Mat means you use less bedding material - Pasture Mat is the equivalent of at least three inches of bedding. You bed for hygiene, not comfort, and change the bedding less often. And because Pasture Mat is guaranteed to retain its full, original shape, bedding materials won't collect in heavy, hard to shift pools of urine and feces at the aisle sides of your stalls.

Field tests in working barns prove that Pasture Mat reduces the cost of bedding and amount of labour needed to maintain clean stalls.

Pasture Mat

It is safe to assume that any reduction in comfort-related stress is a desirable goal of herd management, with benefits that are likely to impact directly and positively on herd health, productivity and management costs.
Poly Pillow
Poly Pillow

Poly Pillow(tm) is a soft, plastic arch that replaces concrete or wooden brisket barriers. Its gentle curves allow cows to step ahead on rising and permit natural leg extensions while lying down. It keeps the cow from moving too far ahead in the stalls and allows natural lying positions.

Ask your Dealer of more details on installing the Poly Pillow(tm).

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